domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

All a bunch of crap

I feel like not blogging, not caring, not thinking.

É daqueles dias em que nada te parece fazer sentir melhor ou mais animado. A minha rica mãezinha levou sem querer o telemóvel na mala dela para o trabalho portanto hoje só tenho é que ficar em casa, a criar musgo, porque não posso combinar nada com ninguém. Para complementar a treta de dia, acordei com o melhor dos tempos, Sol e temperatura agradável, agora até o raio do nevoeiro decidiu aparecer por estes lados. Srsly, global warming, gtfo!

I think these are the times when I feel I should say something. When we look back then and notice what we miss and lost. It's simply something you will never understand because you barely admit that you didn't even try it once.

I think we both gave up at the same time or maybe neither of us actually had the guts to start it. The thing is, I don't wanna know how it feels like because I don't wanna have to hold my breath each time I may be getting close to you. I wanna erase it from my memory because we're suppose to remember the good things, not those that hurts you and squeezes you and cuts you and breaks you in the end.

I can't squeeze the world in my hands and throw it at you. You already got it and my hands are the ones who stay empty and waiting, not yours. Waiting for something you always made sure to not give it to me. Something you always teased me with but never allowed me to win.
So maybe I'll live in this huge colourful bubble of nothing, sitting and waiting for something to arrive. Maybe you won't even arrive because you're already here and I'm the one blind enough to not notice you, except that I'm not the one who makes it harder for both of us. I don´t pull you and push you away.

I'm actually the only one who keeps staying there.

E por alguma razão começou agora a chover por aqui.
E porque ficaria demasiado ridículo o contraste ao postar algo ridículo como costumo fazer, ficamos com as minhas "novas velhas" obsessões.

Korn - Rock am Ring 2007

Slipknow - Spit it Out (Live)

AC/DC - Thunderstruck (Live at Donnington)

E gente que já é cá da casa...Metallica.


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